HC Deb 03 June 1886 vol 306 c845

asked the Chairman of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Whether his attention has been drawn to the Report of the Select Committee on the Ventilation of the House, paragraph (2), in which it is stated— That sewer gas finds its way into the drainage system of the Palace of Westminster from the unventilated Low Level Sewer of the Metropolitan System, and to the further statement, paragraph (3),— Stating that his Board did not deem it necessary to ventilate the Low Level Sewer;" and, whether, having regard to the fact that the House had to adjourn on the night of Thursday last in consequence of the noxious smells then prevailing, he will bring the matter again under the notice of his Board, with a view of having a proper system of ventilation of that sewer at once adopted?

THE CHAIRMAN (Sir JAMES M'GAREL-HOGG) (Middlesex, Hornsey)

I beg to inform my noble Friend that my attention has been called to the Report to which he alludes, and I propose to bring it before the Metropolitan Board to-morrow, and ask that it may be referred to a Committee for consideration and report.