HC Deb 25 February 1886 vol 302 c1189

I beg to move— That the Petition against the Belfast Main Drainage Bill, deposited in the Private Bill Office on the 19th instant, he printed and circulated with the Votes. The Petition referred to here is one which was adopted at a public meeting of the occupiers and inhabitants of Belfast in opposition to a local Private Bill which is about to come before a Committee of this House. But in consequence of the depressed condition of trade in Belfast and the enormous cost which attends the opposition to a Private Bill in Parliament the ratepayers are unable to send witnesses here, and appear in opposition to the Bill in the ordinary way. I have given Notice of my intention on Tuesday next to move an Instruction on an important matter relating to this Bill; and I think it would be for the convenience of the House, and would also tend to an economy of its time, if the facts relating to the case were placed at once in the hands of the general body of Members. I, therefore, make this Motion.

Motion agreed to.

Ordered, That the Petition against the Belfast Main Drainage Bill, deposited in the Private Bill Office on the 19th instant, be printed and circulated with the Votes.