HC Deb 25 February 1886 vol 302 c1203

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether Her Majesty's Government have received the full Malagasy text of the Treaty lately concluded between France and Madagascar; and, if so, whether he will lay that document, together with a translation, on the Table of the House, with as little delay as possible?


asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the new Treaty concluded between France and Madagascar will in any way change the relations of England, Germany, Italy, and the United States with the Malagasy Government, or otherwise affect the existing Treaties between those Powers and the Queen of Madagascar?


The French text of the Treaty, as it has been published in the Yellow Book laid before the French Chamber, has been received from Lord Lyons, and will be laid on the Table; but neither the Malagasy text nor a translation of it has as yet been received. In reply to the Question of the hon. Baronet the Member for the City of London, I may now state that by that Treaty the relations with Madagascar of the Powers named will be so far changed by Articles 1 and 2 of the Treaty as to give to France the right of representing Madagascar in all its foreign relations through a Resident appointed by the French Government. Distinct assurances have been given by France to the Powers that the Treaty will make no change in their existing Treaties with Madagascar.