HC Deb 16 April 1886 vol 304 c1772

I wish to ask the right hon. Gentleman the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether he will be able before the House separates for the Eastor Recess to give us any information as to the position of affairs between Turkey and Greece, or as to any communication which may have passed between the Porte and the Greek Government and the Powers and the Greek Government?

THE FIRST LORD (Mr. W. E. GLADSTONE) (Edinburgh, Mid Lothian)

I do not believe, according to the latest information I have from the Foreign Department, that it would be in our power to give any information which would in any way be interesting to the House with regard to communications between Turkey and Greece or between the Greek Government and the Powers. If any information which could be usefully given should arrive before Monday it will unquestionably be communicated to the House. But I am under the impression, in the first place—I may say, I feel the conviction—that no question has arisen in the conduct of the Correspondence which is likely to create serious division of feeling in the House. I think I can give that assurance, and, in the next place, I am disposed to believe that it would be disadvantageous to the public interest if we were not allowed to prosecute the Correspondence for a certain time without any attempt at making a public disclosure.