§ MR. H. J. GILL (Limerick)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been called to the fact that St. George's Industrial School, Limerick, has been duly certified as capable of accommodating one hundred and seventy children, but that a grant for only eighty has been given; and, whether he will bring the matter under the consideration of the Treasury, with a view of obtaining a grant for the full number?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. JOHN MORLEY) (Newcastle-on-Tyne)Yes, Sir; my attention has been called to this case in a correspondence I have had with the hon. Member, to whom I wrote on the subject yesterday. The purport of the letter was that the utmost I could promise was that the case will be considered, with many others of a similar character, when next year's Estimates are being framed.