§ SIR THOMAS ESMONDE (Dublin Co., S.)asked the Secretary of State for War, If any steps will be taken to remedy the grievances of Army Quartermasters, mentioned in the pamphlet on 1310 The Grievances of Army Quartermasters, by the Wife of a Quartermaster; and, considering that the duties required of the Departmental Officer, on whom the official title of "Quartermaster" has been conferred, are in no way analogous to the duties of Army Quartermasters, whether some other official title will be substituted for the present one, which causes so much dissatisfaction to the officers concerned?
THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN) (&c.) Stirling,My attention has not been particularly directed to the pamphlet in question; but suggestions have been made in certain quarters for alteration in some particulars of the Rules affecting Army Quartermasters, and these suggestions are being considered. I am advised that the title referred to in the latter part of the Question does not constitute a real grievance.