HC Deb 31 March 1885 vol 296 c1100

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If he has yet received a report from the Inspector General of Constabulary as to the course taken in the case of Sergeant Delaney, Royal Irish Constabulary of Newtownbarry?


The Inspector General has carefully considered this matter. He is of opinion that Sergeant Delaney acted with over zeal and absence of judgment in this case, and that he did not possess the local knowledge he should have had to deal with it properly. He further thinks that this was clearly a case in which the Sergeant was bound to have made inquiry before acting in the summary and precipitate manner he did. However, as no improper motive or intention has been attributed to the Sergeant, who is a man of long service and previous good conduct, the Inspector General thinks that, in addition to his removal from Newtown barry, which has taken place, it will be sufficient to admonish and caution him as to his future conduct, and to inform him that should he again act so indiscreetly, and with so little tact and judgment, he cannot be considered as fit to retain his rank of Sergeant.