HC Deb 30 March 1885 vol 296 c979

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the attention of Her Majesty's Government has been called to the disturbances which have recently been reported from Albania and Macedonia, and to the dangers threatening the peace of European Turkey in that quarter; and, whether the Foreign Office have received any, and what, intelligence bearing on the subject?


Reports have been received at the Foreign Office that a feeling of dissatisfaction exists among the Albanians with the local Government, and that disturbances had taken place at Prisrend, which compelled the authorities at Salonica to send for reinforcements. Communication with Prisrend was at one time entirely cut off; but news has lately been received from there that a Turkish officer had arrived with troops. The outbreak is said to have been localized, and the foreign Consuls and Christian inhabitants have suffered no violence.