HC Deb 27 March 1885 vol 296 c835

asked the junior Member for Leeds, as representing the Office of Works, Whether any, and what, steps have yet been taken to fulfil the promise made by the First Commissioner of Works in August last, that labels giving the English and botanical names should be placed on or near the trees and shrubs in Victoria Park, as has been done in Hyde Park; and, whether anything has been done, or will be done, before the beginning of summer, to provide larger and better refreshment stalls in Victoria Park for the numerous visitors and persons playing cricket and other games there?


Last year experiments were made in Hyde Park with the view of finding the best and most durable labels on which to place the botanical names of plants, and it has been determined to apply the particular kind which appears in all respects to be the best to all the Royal Parks. A number of them are now being prepared for Victoria Park. The question of the refreshment stalls in Victoria Park is now under the consideration of the First Commissioner, and I shall be glad to confer with my hon. Friend on the subject.