§ Ordered, That the Select Committee on the Post Office (Acquisition of Sites) Bill do consist of Eleven Members, Seven Members to be nominated by the House, and Four Members to be nominated by the Committee of Selection:—Mr. SCLATER-BOOTH, Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Sir JOHN-ELLIS, Mr. BRYCE, Mr. DIXON-HARTLAND, Dr. CAMERON, and Mr. SHAW LEFEVRE nominated Members of the Committee.
§ Ordered, That all Petitions against the Bill, presented not later than three clear days before the sitting of the Committee, be referred to the Committee, and that such of the Petitioners as pray to be heard by themselves, their Counsel, Agents, or Witnesses, be heard upon their Petitions, if they think fit, and Counsel heard in favour of the Bill against such Petitions.
§ Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.
§ Ordered, That Three be the quorum.
§ MR. SEXTONsaid, he was not sure whether the right hon. Gentleman had given any explanation to the Committee of his object in moving for this Committee. If he had, he (Mr. Sexton) was not aware of it. Of the names on the Paper, six were of English Members, and one was that of a Scotch Member. He was not certain whether or not it was desirable that an Irish Member should be on the Committee; and he would therefore ask the right hon. Gentleman for some information on the matter. Were these sites indicated or marked out anywhere, and what were to be the functions of the Committee?
§ MR. SHAW LEFEVREThis is the Select Committee upon the Bill which has been read a second time and referred to a Select Committee. The object of the Committee is to consider the question of selecting sites in Birmingham, Bristol, and certain other places. The Bill had nothing whatever to do with Irish Post Offices, and therefore it had not been thought necessary to put an Irish Member on the Committee. If, however, the Irish Members desired to have a Representative on the Committee, no doubt if the matter were referred 962 to the Committee of Selection one would be put on.
§ MR. SEXTONsaid, he was quite satisfied with this announcement.