HC Deb 20 March 1885 vol 296 c45

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he is aware that, on the 4th February, the magistrates of the Toome Bridge District, county Antrim, appointed as Petty Sessions clerk, notwithstanding that there were several suitable candidates, a Mr. Kelly, who is non-resident in the district, who is believed to be over forty years of age (the limit fixed by the regulations), and who is insolvent; whether, notwithstanding that, at the time of the election, Mr. Kelly undertook, if elected, to take up his residence in the district, he has not done so; whether Mr. Kelly gave any evidence of his age, and what was the character of the evidence; and, whether it is intended to sanction the appointment of a person to whom these objections lie?


Mr. Kelly has been appointed on the condition that he resides within the prescribed distance-—1½ miles—of the Court House. He has made arrangements for doing so in May next. Mr. Kelly was not disqualified by any act of insolvency, and he submitted evidence of his being within the limit of age. His appointment has been approved by the Lord Lieutenant on the condition I have stated.