HC Deb 19 March 1885 vol 295 cc1679-80

I beg to give Notice that on to-morrow I shall ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the attention of the Government has been called to a most scandalous cartoon representing the death of Earl Spencer issued with the last edition of Untied Ireland; whether he does not consider cartoons such as that a direct incentive to outrage; and, also, whether the proprietors of that journal are not Members of the House of Commons; and, if steps will not be taken to prevent outrageous and cowardly attacks of this kind upon Her Majesty's Representatives in Ireland?


I beg to give Notice, that when the hon. Member puts his Question, I will ask whether the cartoon does not represent the political death of Earl Spencer?


On a point of Order, Mr. Speaker, I would ask you whether the Notice given by the hon. Member for Armagh can appear upon the Notice Paper in that form; and, whether it does not doubly violate the Rules by applying the terms "outrageous and cowardly" to Members of this House; and, also, whether it is not out of Order in expressing an opinion?


The Notice given by the hon. Member will be revised and put into a proper shape before it appears on the Paper.


Shall I be in Order, Sir, in submitting the cartoon at the same time as my Question, especially for your consideration?