HC Deb 13 March 1885 vol 295 c1063

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is a fact that the Bankruptcy Court in Ireland recently ordered that a sum of £40 per annum should be set aside from the salary of John Sligo Kirwan, who is Government Cattle Inspector for the Port of Belfast, to liquidate a claim of £100 due to the National Bank of Ireland; and, whether the Government have refused to conform to the degere of the Bankruptcy Court; and, if so, can they give a reason, and also will they reconsider their decision?


It is true that an order allocating part of Mr. Kirwan's salary has been made by the Court of Bankruptcy; but it is not true that the Government have refused to conform to it. The order was incorrect in describing Mr. Kirwan as an officer of the Privy Council instead of the Veterinary Department. This was pointed out to the Solicitor of the Official Assignee on the 3rd ultimo, and he has not since replied. I should add that the Veterinary Department are at present in communication with the Treasury on the point whether Mr. Kirwan's is a case coming under the Rules affecting Civil servants in pecuniary difficulties.