HC Deb 09 March 1885 vol 295 c424

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether ho will cause to be placed upon the Table, originals or authenticated Copies of all Papers in connection with the election of Poor Law Guardians for the electoral divisions of Maghera-clogher and Meenaclady, county of Donegal, in the year 1884, and of all Correspondence thereon with the Local Government Board, including the Papers and Correspondence regarding the two bye-elections for the division of Magheraclogher, one the same year, and the other in January of this year; also, originals of authenticated Copies of all Papers and Correspondence touching the election of Guardians for Crossroads in 1883 and 1884, and the bye-elections for the same division in 1884; and, all Papers and Correspondence respecting the election of Guardians for the electoral division of Creeslagh in 1883?


The Correspondence in question is voluminous, and its production would involve great trouble and expense. The points which arose, and which have all been finally settled, were not of general interest or importance; and I cannot see that any public good would be done by the production of the Correspondence in the form of a Report to this House; but if the hon. Member will tell me what parts of the Correspondence interest him, I will endeavour to have it in some form, so that he may see it himself.