§ MR. MITCHELL HENRYasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether the attention of the Government has been directed to the increasing habit of carrying revolvers; and, whether he contemplates any measures, legislative or otherwise, for putting down this baneful and uncivilized practice?
§ SIR WILLIAM HARCOURTI very much agree with my hon. Friend's views on the subject of carrying revolvers. It is quite plain that mere licences are of no use as a remedy for the evil. I think it is a very serious matter for consideration whether there ought not to be more severe penalties attached to crimes when committed by persons carrying revolvers or explosives—something similar to the penalties enacted for garrotting. There is a Bill having that object coming before the House, and upon that Bill I think the matter may very properly be considered.
§ MR. MITCHELL HENRYasked, whether the right hon. Gentleman would 429 consider the propriety of requiring the registration of the sale of revolvers, and also prohibiting the sale of firearms to persons under a certain age? He had information, on good authority, that in public schools revolvers were frequently carried by the pupils. He would also ask whether the right hon. Gentleman would consider the advisability of prohibiting the carrying of concealed firearms without a special licence?
§ [No reply.]