HC Deb 05 March 1885 vol 295 cc104-5

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the Government have taken, or propose to take, any steps to modify the constitution of the Ballymeny bench of magistrates; and, whether it is a fact that there is still not a single Roman Catholic magistrate on the bench, whilst seven of the justices in the one district are closely related to one another by ties of blood relationship or marriage?


No well-grounded complaint as to the Ballymena Bench of Magistrates has ever been brought under the notice of the Lord Chancellor, who informs me that, whatever ties of relationship may subsist between some of the magistrates, they appear to discharge their duties in a proper manner. I understand there is no Roman Catholic on this Bench. The name of one gentleman of that persuasion was submitted to the Lord Chancellor, but the Lieutenant of the county-declined to recommend him for the Commission; and the Lord Chancellor, after some correspondence, came to the conclusion that he would not be warranted in overruling Lord Waveney's decision.


In reference to the answer just given by the right hon. Gentleman with reference to the Lord Lieutenant of the County Antrim, May I ask, is it a fact that Lord Waveney, the present Lord Lieutenant of the county, is the first name to a recommendation in favour of the same person made in the year 1882; also, whether it is a fact that a recommendation was made of this gentleman, signed by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Down and Connor, the then Lord Lieutenant of the county, Sir Edward MacNaghten; and, also, whether the present Lord Lieutenant of the county has not, in this case, refused his own recommendation?


I will ask the hon. Member to put down this Question on the Paper. I cannot answer without Notice.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware whether that is a fact?


I am not.


I beg to ask the right hon. Gentleman, who has given his admission to the fact that there is no Catholic on this Bench, whether the Lord Chancellor, when any complaint is made, refers to the Lord Lieutenant of the county, who is generally a fossilized Tory?

[No reply.]