HC Deb 05 March 1885 vol 295 cc90-1

asked the President of the Board of Trade, respecting the Mail Jetty, made of timber, at Holyhead, What was the cost of the Mail Jetty erected in the year 1858; what amount has been spent in the alteration and repairing of the same up to the present time; what is the estimate for the alterations and repairs of the same now going on; is the condition of the Jetty such as would justify the Government in spending a large sum in alterations and repairs; and, taking into consideration the present condition of the Jetty, and the large amount spent annually in repairs, would it not be better economy to erect a stone pier in place of the present Jetty?


Before the right hon. Gentleman answers the Question, I would ask, Whether it is not a fact that the original scheme submitted to the Government twenty years ago provided for a stone pier?


I cannot answer the Question of the hon. Member for Carlow (Mr. Gray) positively; but if he will put it on the Paper I will endeavour to do so. As to the first Question, the first cost of the timber mail jetty at Holyhead and its extension was, from 1858 to 1864, £48,226; since that time £26,985 has been spent in repair and renewal. The estimate of the work for raising the platform, required by the Post Office in connection with the recent mail contract, is £7,000; this is special and not ordinary work. The annual expenditure for renewals for some years past has been about £2,000, and appears, so far, to be maintaining the work in fair condition. As to a stone pier being more economical, I have no proposal for a stone pier before me, and the question of comparative expense would be for the consideration of the Treasury. I may, however, mention that Sir John Hawk-shaw tells me that such a work could not cost less than £150,000.