HC Deb 13 July 1885 vol 299 cc421-2

asked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether, having regard to the great inconvenience now experienced by honourable Members on one side of the House through the impossibility of obtaining seats from which to put Questions and to discharge their Parliamentary duties, and the further probability that this unequal division of Members with respect to the sides of the House may possibly continue after the next General Election, he will at his earliest convenience consider some plan of providing accommodation for the Representatives of the People in the House of Commons?


The important and difficult question of providing better accommodation for Members in this House is one which has from time to time been urged very strongly upon the Government of the day ever since the Select Committee appointed in 1867 reported on the subject. But on each occasion when there has been a debate in this House there has been found to exist great differences of opinion, not only as to what ought to be done, but also as to whether anything ought to be done in the way of change. I have not myself had time yet fully to consider the subject, but I hope to go carefully into it during the Recess. No doubt, the inconvenience experienced by hon. Gentlemen opposite under the present exceptional circumstances is very acute, and I should be very glad if it were in my power to give some temporary relief; but I am afraid I cannot. The hon. Member says in his Question that "the present unequal division of Members may possible continue after the next General Election." I doubt, however, whether, if the present Opposition as greatly outnumber us in the next Parliament as they do now, they are very likely to allow us to remain where we are; and, on the other hand, I should rather hope that we may contrive in the meantime to get rid of the difficulty in another way. However that may be, as I have said, I will go into the question carefully during the autumn; and I shall be very glad to confer with the hon. Member for Stoke on the subject.