HC Deb 27 April 1885 vol 297 cc822-3

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, If it is true, as positively asserted by the Rome correspondent of The Standard, that the British Government have caused representations to be made by Mr. George Errington, M.P. to the Sovereign Pontiff, with the object of preventing the appointment by His Holiness of the Very Reverend Dr. Walsh, Vicar Capitular of the Catholic See of Dublin, to be the Archbishop of that See?


In answer to this Question I have to say that the Cabinet have never, so far as I am aware, had any cognizance of any communication between Mr. Errington and His Holiness the Pope, and certainly not upon the occasion to which the Question refers. If I am asked whether any individual Member of the Government has used any such representations, as distinct from the Cabinet, my reply is that I am not aware of it.


I beg to give Notice that I shall call attention, on the Vote for the Foreign Office, to this matter, and endeavour to ascertain whether any Member of the Government has caused representations to be made to the Holy See in reference to the internal government of the Catholic Church.