HC Deb 20 April 1885 vol 297 c163

asked, Whether the House was to understand that the action of the Egyptian Government, in suppressing The Bosphore Egyptien, was taken on its own responsibility, and entirely without the cognizance and the advice of Sir Evelyn Baring; whether Her Majesty's Government disclaimed all responsibility for that suppression, and was in a position to act as a totally disinterested party in the matter?


Before I can undertake to give a definite reply I think I ought to see the Question in print; but at this moment, without taking time for reflection, I should say that the Egyptian Government did not act alone on the matter, and that we are not in a position to disclaim all responsibility. No doubt there are questions of procedure, and many others of a secondary and subsidiary character, which may come up in a matter of this kind; and I should not like to give a final answer; but, speaking generally, I may say that we are not in a position to disclaim, and we do not claim all responsibility.


inquired whether it was not the case that, a few days ago, the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs stated in this House that the suppression of The Bosphore Egyptien had taken place with the sanction of Her Majesty's Government?


I do not see any discrepancy between my statement and what has just fallen from the Prime Minister, though, of course, I should like to refer to the actual terms of my answer.