HC Deb 16 April 1885 vol 296 c1842

asked the President of the Local Government Board, If he could state how many of the Boards of Guardians in the Metropolis have complied with, or are making arrangements for meeting, the requirements of sec. 23, 10 and 11 Vic. c. 109, relating to the accommodation of old married couples in receipt of in-door relief; and, if he would specially direct the attention of those Boards which have hitherto ignored this provision of the Law to the necessity of compliance with it?


There are 16 Unions in which separate accommodation is at present provided in the workhouse for the purpose of compliance with the Act referred to. There are eight Unions in which additional workhouse buildings are either in course of erection or about to be erected; and when these buildings are completed the Guardians will be in a position to make such provision. In the remaining six Unions no such accommodation is at present provided; but as regards two of these Unions, we are informed that it will be provided at once when found necessary. In one of these cases it is stated that, on more than one occasion, inquiry has shown that the inmates have no desire for such accommodation. In two other Unions accommodation was formerly provided, but is no longer used for the purpose, in consequence of the inmates not desiring to avail themselves of it. In the other two cases we understand that the subject of providing such accommodation is under the consideration of the Guardians. If it should appear to be necessary for the Board to intervene in any particular case they will not fail to do so.