HC Deb 16 April 1885 vol 296 c1871

asked the Secretary of State for Was, Whether it is proposed to grant any Commissions in the Line to Officers of Militia, beyond the number annually granted to such Officers; whether Officers of Militia, and others serving as troopers in Sir Charles Warren's Force in South Africa, will be eligible for such Commissions; and, whether care will be taken that such Officers shall not lose the chance of obtaining a Commission in consequence of their having volunteered for such service?


In addition to the 75 commissions granted each half-year to Militia officers, Line commissions have been offered to all Militia candidates under 22 years of ago on the 1st January, 1884, who had passed the qualifying standard in military competitive examinations. The fact of serving in Sir Charles Warren's Force in South Africa has not prevented offers being made to qualified officers, and steps are now being taken to meet their cases.