HC Deb 09 April 1885 vol 296 c1151

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether Savings Banks may prepare two forms of accounts, one for the satisfaction of the Commissioners of National Debt and the other for exhibition to depositors; and, whether he is aware that the Belfast (King Street) Savings Bank has been doing so for some time past?


Since the hon. Gentleman put his Question on the Paper, I have been in communication with the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, who have made inquiries of the Trustees of the Belfast (King Street) Savings Bank. The reply of the latter is, that they have Complied with the 59th section of the Act of 1863, and have publicly affixed and exhibited in a conspicuous part of the office where deposits are usually received a duplicate copy of the annual statement rendered to the Commissioners for the year ended the 20th of November, 1884, and dated the 7th of January, 1885, and which will remain so affixed and exhibited until the issue of the next annual statement. No supplementary or explanatory account or item whatever, not included in the Return made to the Commissioners, has been added to the duplicate. The accounts being annual do not show any variation that may take place during the year, and no other than the authorized account can be exhibited.


I am extremely obliged to the right hon. Gentleman; but there is one part of the Question which I do not think he answered. The point on which I desired information was, whether it was in compliance with the regulations to have two forms of account, one being the public annual account, and the other being the account exhibited in accordance with the Act of Parliament?


I thought I had answered the Question very distinctly. There is only one form of account, and it cannot be altered during the year.