§ LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILLHaving regard to the statement of the Prime Minister the other night that the Government repudiate violence and outrage, and in order to enable the House to come to a decision on the matter at issue, as well as in justice to the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Board of Trade, I now beg to give Notice that I will move the following Amendment to the Address:—
And we humbly assure Her Majesty that we regret to find in recent speeches and actions of one of Her Majesty's Ministers, holding the high office of President of the Board of Trade, an incitement to interference with the freedom of political discussion, and a justification of riot and disorder.
§ MR. LABOUCHEREIt would be very convenient to the House to know whether the noble Lord intends to bring on his Amendment immediately after the one under consideration has been disposed of; or whether, as is reported, there is to be a debate on the Transvaal, or any other subject? Perhaps the noble Lord will be able to inform us.
§ MR. LABOUCHEREsaid, that it would be convenient to the House if the hon. Member for Birkenhead intended 357 to proceed with his Amendment on the Address immediately after that now before the House was disposed of.
§ MR. MACIVERsaid, that he intended to move his Amendment; but he hoped the hon. Member would not think him discourteous if he declined to state when.