HC Deb 17 November 1884 vol 293 c1841

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, To be good enough to inform the House how many ocean armour-clad cruisers are at present in commission, stating number, calibre, and description of guns, also coal endurance of each ship; how many vessels of this type are being built; when they are likely to be finished; how intended to be armed; coal endurence; and oceangoing speed; if he can state how many coast and ocean-going torpedo craft are in commission, and how many are in course of construction; and, whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Government to appoint a Select Committee to inquire into the condition of the Navy?


The information asked for cannot be conveniently given in reply to a Question. It has already been partially supplied in the Return presented in the last Session of Parliament by my hon. Friend the present Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant, and I cannot anticipate the statement which is to be made on Monday next on behalf of the Government with regard to the Navy.