HC Deb 17 November 1884 vol 293 cc1830-1

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether the Government are aware that, during the massacres ordered by the Burmese Government at Mandalay last month, two British subjects, natives of Chittagong and seamen belonging to a steamer owned by an English Company, were amongst the victims, and that these men were at the time being detained in one of the gaols for some petty act of smuggling; whether, if it is proved that British subjects were amongst those murdered, the Government will take any steps to bring King Theebaw and his Government to account; and, whether the Government are aware that a memorial, embodying resolutions passed at a meeting of over 8,000 citizens of Rangoon, has been forwarded to Lord Ripon, Governor General of India, and that this memorial demands from the Government some immediate interference in Upper Burmah that will for the future insure protection to British life and property?


The Government of India telegraphs that they have received no precise information as to the report that two British subjects were among the victims of the Mandalay massacres; but they are making in quires on this point. I learn from the newspapers that a Memorial of the nature alluded to by the hon. Member for the Tower Hamlets has been addressed to the Government of India; but the Secretary of State has not, as yet, received any communication from that Government on the subject.