HC Deb 04 November 1884 vol 293 cc900-1

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the inquiry, promised by his predecessor, into the qualifications of Professor Geisler, F.R.U.I. and Professor Queen's College, Galway, has taken place; and, if so, with what result?


The charges made against Professor Geisler and his reply thereto were, at the request of the Government, investigated by the President of the Queen's College, Galway, who has reported upon them, supporting his conclusions by original documents. The result is that the Government are satisfied that Professor Geisler did not obtain his appointment at Galway on the strength of a degree which he did not possess, but because he was thought by the Government of the day to be the best candidate for it, and that he subsequently obtained a degree at Vienna in the usual way, and not on the strength of his holding a Professorship in the Queen's College, Galway. I may add that Professor Geisler is borne in high estimation by men competent of judging of his qualifications, and is, as I am informed, a man of estimable character, who has faithfully discharged all the duties of his position.


wished to know if it were not the fact that this inquiry was conducted by a gentleman who was to some extent particeps criminis in the alleged fraud—namely, the President of Queen's College; and if an independent inquiry had been made by any gentleman unconnected with the Queen's College who would command public confidence?


said, that the President of the College, who had inquired into the matter, had supported his Report by original documents, which were of such a character as to satisfy the Government that the allegation of fraud was not well founded.


asked whether the hon. Gentleman would lay the Report on the Table of the House?


said, if the Report was not a confidential document, the proofs accompanying it undoubtedly were, and without them the Report would not be intelligible.