HC Deb 27 May 1884 vol 288 cc1462-3

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is intended that the summons cases arising out of an attack by a party of Orangemen on the members of the Stewartstown (Tyrone) National Band, on the evening of the 17th instant, will be heard by the local justices on the 4th proximo, at the Stewartstown Petty Sessions; whether the cases in question arose out of party feeling between Orangemen and Nationalists; whether one of the justices of the local Bench, Mr. Chambre, is Grand Master of the county Orange Lodge, and all of them are either members of the Orange Society or sympathisers with it; and, whether, in the interest of the impartial administration of justice, arrangements will be made to have those cases tried by a Court composed (under section eight of the Crimes Act) of two stipendiary magistrates?


I am informed that it is not the case that Mr. Chambre is Grand Master of the County Orange Lodge; but I believe him to be the same gentleman who took the chair at a meeting at Dungannon on the 1st November, at which, after the news of the seizure of the City Hall at Londonderry, and, I presume, the firing there had been received, a resolution was passed congratulating the persons who had seized the Hall. I do not think, therefore, that this gentleman should adjudicate in a party case; and I shall direct that if there be no technical difficulty in the way, the cases referred to in the Question shall be heard before a Court composed as prescribed under Section 8 of the Crimes Act.