HC Deb 22 May 1884 vol 288 c1001

asked the First Commissioner of Works, If his attention has been called to the fact that itinerant lay preachers are permitted by the Park Constables of Hyde Park each Sunday to make politico-religious orations in that part of the park used by visitors solely for the purpose of promenade; if he is aware that last Sunday three or four rival preachers, one a young man in a sporting grey suit, disturbed the visitors seated round the Achilles Statue by loud-toned orations and singing; and, if he will give orders to the Park Constables to prevent such conduct in future?


By the Rules of the Park addresses may be delivered in a certain specified part of it, which includes the spot referred to by the hon. Member. I am informed that nothing has occurred lately on Sundays in contravention of the Rules which would justify the police in interfering.