§ SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTEasked the right hon. Gentleman the Prime Minister what Business he proposed to take before the Whitsuntide holidays?
MR. GLADSTONEsaid, that the Government proposed to take the Committee on the Franchise Bill to-morrow, and Committee of Supply on Thursday, when a Vote on Account would be proposed, and other Votes would be proceeded with. After the Committee of Supply, the National Debt Bill would be taken—not the Bill relating to coinage; on Friday morning the Committee 685 on the Franchise Bill would be resumed, and in the evening there would be Committee of Supply as usual. On Monday they would again proceed with the Franchise Bill, and on Tuesday the first Business must necessarily be the Motion for the Adjournment of the House. The first day after the holidays would be devoted to Supply, according to established usage.