§ MR. SAMUEL MORLEYasked the Vice President of the Committee of Council, in reference to the case of two boys being flogged in the National School at Speldhurst for attending a service at a Dissenting Chapel, Whether he has received any satisfactory guarantee against a repetition of the same conduct; and, if he will inform the House on the subject?
§ MR. CROPPERasked whether the boys in question were not sons of the schoolmaster?
§ MR. MUNDELLAA letter was written by the Secretary of the Education Department, on the 26th of April, to the Rev. Donald D. Mackinnon, correspondent of the Speldhurst School which set forth the grievance complained of, and which concluded as follows:—
In these circumstances my Lords require from the managers a distinct undertaking that no similar interference with the management of the school will he permitted, and that the master will be warned against administering punishment under similar circumstances. I am directed to add that any recurrence of such conduct will cause the school to forfeit the annual grant, and will endanger the continuance of the master's certificate.In reply, we received the following letter, on May 3:—Speldhurst Rectory, Tunbridge Wells, May 3, 1884. Sir,—I am directed by the managers of the Speldhurst Schools to further 667 acknowledge the receipt of your letter of April 24 last, and, in reply, beg to say they are willing to give the undertaking asked for in your letter, and further to say that the master has already been warned against administering punishment under similar circumstances. I have, &c. (signed), DONALD D. MACKINNON.