HC Deb 13 May 1884 vol 288 cc163-4

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is a fact that, early in the present year, the Catholic clergy of the Poor Law Union of Roscrea applied to Lord Lismore, Lieutenant of Tipperary, to appoint five gentlemen named to the commission, of the peace, and also applied to Mr. Dames Longworth, Lieutenant of King's County, to appoint one gentleman named to the commission, and that the members of the Roscrea Catholic Club, by unanimous resolution, supported both petitions; whether it is the fact, as stated in the applications, that there is no Catholic magistrate in the entire Union of Roscrea, comprising three Petty Sessions districts, and inhabited almost wholly by Catholics, and that the gentlemen recommended are all persons of education, and of independent position, who reside in the district; whether Lord Lismore and Mr. Dames Longworth not taking any action, the applications in question were sent on to the Lord Chancellor of Ireland; and, at what conclusion his Lordship has arrived?


I believe that it is the case that applications, as mentioned in this Question, were made to Lord Lismore and Mr. Dames Long-worth, who did not adopt the recommendations made to them. The Lord Chancellor informs me that the applications have been sent on to him, and that he will in due time consider the qualifications and status of each of the persons mentioned in the applications. I understand that it is doubtful, if it is correct to state, that there is no Roman Catholic magistrate in the entire Union of Roscrea; but I shall make further inquiry on the subject.