§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign 1681 Affairs, with, reference to the Memorandum on the Finances of Egypt, contained in "Egypt," No. 17, Whether the £150,000 per annum assigned by the Law of Liquidation to the cultivators and landholders who had paid the Moukabalah, and which Lord Dufferin's Report showed to have been wholly unpaid up to that time, has been paid up, or whether it is now several years in arrear, though the European creditors, under the same Law, have been punctually paid; and, whether the recognition in the official Memorandum of a debt of £3,950,000 balance of the Indemnity awards is an admission of liability to pay the whole if the money can be raised?
§ LORD EDMOND FITZMAURICEA full Memorandum, showing the progress made towards refunding the sum paid for Moukabalah, will be found in "Egypt," No. 13 of last year, page 35. The statement of the amount of the awards in the Memorandum cannot affect in any way the question of liability referred to.