§ MR. J. G. HUBBARDasked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether he will provide that the authorities to whom the care of Wellington Place is to be assigned, through the Hyde Park Corner Improvement Bill, shall remove the refuges recently formed upon the level by iron posts flanked with blocks of stone projecting into the roadway, to the great danger of vehicular traffic, and replace them by refuges constructed like those of the parish of St. George's, Hanover Square, with a raised floor and iron posts fixed well within the edge of the curb?
§ MR. SHAW LEFEVRESir, I cannot undertake to compel the local authorities to make the change in the refuges desired by the right hon. Gentleman; but when the Bill has passed, it will be open to my right hon. Friend himself to address the Vestry to whose charge they will fall.