MR. CRAIG-SELLARasked the Chancellor of the Dachy, Whether, having regard to the recent discussion on 1146 Private Bill Legislation, and considering the difficulty, under the new arrangements for the transaction of Business, by means of Standing Committees, of securing an adequate number of Members to serve on Private Bill Committees, he will move for the appointment of a Select Committee to consider the best means of improving the existing system; or, if he does not see his way to move for a Committee, whether he will inform the House if Her Majesty's Government propose to take any steps to remedy this admitted evil?
§ MR. DODSONSir, I said recently in debate that I considered the subject was one of such gravity and complication that it could only be effectually dealt with on the initiative and responsibility of the Government, and that it was desirable that it should be so dealt with as soon as the time and opportunity had arisen. Holding these views, I am not prepared, on behalf of the Government, to move for the appointment of a Committee to consider, or devise a plan for, this purpose.
§ MR. DODSONThe latter part is, whether I will move for a Committee?
MR. CRAIG - SELLARNo; whether the right hon. Gentleman proposes to take any steps to remedy the grievance?
§ MR. DODSONI answered that in the first part of the Question, when I said that the subject was one which ought to be dealt with on the initiative and responsibility of the Government.