§ MR. SALTasked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether any decision has been arrived at with respect to an appeal which he said, on 7th August last, had been forwarded to the Government of India regarding certain disputed claims; and, whether any, and, if so, what compensation, has been given in respect of such claims?
§ MR. J. K. CROSSThe appeal in question having been sent to the Government of India, they replied— 857
We are of opinion that Mr. Stringer received every consideration from the military authorities of the Indian Contingent, and that there are no sufficient grounds why the award of the arbitrator should be set aside, and any further sums paid to Mr. Stringer.Mr. Stringer was, therefore, informed last December that he would receive no grant in excess of the sum awarded by the arbitrators appointed at Alexandria to settle his dispute.