HC Deb 27 March 1884 vol 286 cc867-8

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, If he has ascertained whether the Kinsale Harbour Board contributed £2,000 or £3,000 towards the building of the Kinsale Quay and Pier; if the latter sum, could he explain the letter from the Board of Works to the Piers and Harbours Commissioners, and read by them at the public meeting held in Kinsale, in which it was stated that the amount contributed was only £2,000; if it is a fact that no memorial was at any time received by the Board of Works, in accordance with the sixth section of the Piers and Harbours Act, 9 Vic. c 3, for works at the World's End, and that the only memorial in accordance with that section was for a pier at Scilly; if it was sworn to at the late inquiry by the harbour master that— There would be little use in carrying out the present works without dredging and deepening, and that this has not been provided for in the Board of Works' plans; and that to carry out this so as to enable fishing vessels to come to the quay for nearly its entire length — Will cost as much, if not more, than the original estimate; if it is true that one of the Commissioners, Mr. Johnston, stated at the inquiry— That a sum of £16,000 would be thrown away unless a further large sum will be expended in dredging and deepening, and that, if the works were carried on at Scilly, no such extra expenditure would be necessary; and, whether the Commissioners of Piers and Harbours have made any Report consequent on the inquiry above referred to respecting the alleged inadequacy of the proposed works to meet the requirements of the craft engaged in the mackerel fishery; and, if not, when may the Report be expected?


The original contribution by the Kinsale Harbour Board was £2,000; but there was a subsequent addition of £1,000, and the omission of the latter sum in the letter referred to has since been rectified. Two Memorials under the Piers and Harbours Act, 1846, have been received in favour of the site which has been chosen, one in favour of the alternative site at Scilly, and none about the site called "World's End." The Report of the inquiry which I have seen is somewhat confused. Mr. Johnston suggested in a question that the money would be wasted unless more was spent; but the witness did not agree with him, and he did not make the erroneous statement that the Scilly scheme would be cheaper. The Report of the Piers and Harbours Commission has not been received; and, in the meanwhile, nothing is being done to prejudice the decision as to whether additional work should be done.