§ MR. GOSCHENasked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, What effect has been given to the following declaration, signed on the 31st March 1880, at Cairo, by the Representatives of Great Britain, Germany, Austro-Hungary, France, and Italy—
Les Gouvernements précités s'engagent, à acceptor comme obligatoire, et sans appel, la 873 décision qui sera rendue, en ce qui concerne les obligations et dettes du Gouvernement Egyptien, ainsi que les Dairas Kassa et Sanieh, par la Commission de Liquidation établie en vertu du dit Décret. Ils consentent aussi à ce que les decisions de la Commission constituće en vertu de ce Décret soient reconnues par les Tribunaux de la Réforme comme une loi obligatoire aussitôt qu'ells auront étć publiées officieliement par le Gouvernement de son Altesse le Khédive;Les Gouvernements de Grande Bretagne, d'Allemagne, d'Avitriche-Hongrie, de France, et d'ltalie s'ensgagent, en outre, à porter collectivement cette Déclaration à la connaissance des Puissances qui ont pris part à I'établissement des Tribunaux Mixtes institućes en Egypte, et à les inviter à y adhérer;and, whether the collective step contemplated in the last paragraph of the foregoing Declaration has been taken by the five Powers in question; and, if not, whether the remaining Powers who took part in the establishment of the Mixed Tribunals have been in any way parties to the Law of Liquidation, or would have any locus standi in negotiation for its modification?
§ LORD EDMOND FITZMAURICEThe collective step contemplated was taken, and all the Powers who took part in the establishment of the Mixed Tribunals acceded to the Law of Liquidation in the course of the year 1880.
§ MR. GOSCHENIs there any relation in the Blue Book on the subject?
§ LORD EDMOND FITZMAURICENo, Sir. I think the right hon. Gentleman is correct in stating that the Blue Books do not mention it; but I can give the dates.
§ MR. GOSCHENWould there be any objection to laying the despatches upon the Table of the House?
§ LORD EDMOND FITZMAURICEPerhaps the right hon. Gentleman will allow me to consider it.
§ MR. BOURKEI wish to ask a Question which arises out of this, and of which I have given private Notice. The Question is—Whether the Powers who had taken part in the establishment of the Mixed Tribunals were those represented on the International Commission which assembled at Cairo in 1869—namely, Austria, Germany, France, England, Italy, the United States, Russia, and Egypt?
§ LORD EDMUND FITZMAURICEYes, Sir; with the addition of the Governments of Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Holland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden.