§ MR. MACFARLANEasked the Under Secretary of State for India, If he will cause to be prepared, and lay upon the 29 Table, a Return showing the increase in the number of grog shops in the districts of Assam and Cachar during the last ten years, the Return to include the remonstrances made by the European managers of tea gardens and the Minutes of the Chief Commissioners of these districts upon the subject?
§ MR. J. K. CROSS, in reply, said, he could not find that there had been any increase in the number of grop shops in Assam and Cachar in the last 10 years. During the five years ended 1874 the number of shops averaged 276; in 1881–2 they were, 233; in 1882–3, 232. There would be no objection to give the turn asked for by the hon. Member, including what Correspondence the Government had on the subject.