HC Deb 07 March 1884 vol 285 c854

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Was one of the ride officers recently specially promoted over the heads of others in the Inland Revenue Department, the son of a collector in that branch; what are the subjects of the test examination that ride officers have to pass on promotion to divisions; is it laid down in 7 and 8 Geo. 4, c. 53, s. 4, that the efficient and well-conducted officers can be deprived of their right to promotion in the ordinary course; and, what proof has the Board that the officers passed over do not possess equal or superior merit to those promoted?


Sir, no collector's son has recently been specially promoted. The test examination referred to is a careful scrutiny of the candidate's official books for three months by examiners of the head office, in order to see whether they have conducted their duties properly and systematically. No one in the Civil Service can claim promotion as a right; and there is, therefore, no question of depriving these men of what does not exist. As it is open to Collectors and Inspectors in every part of the Kingdom to recommend officers for special promotion, it must fairly be believed that those selected are superior in merits to those not so. With reference to a previous Question of the hon. Member, I may add that religion and politics are absolutely disregarded by the Board, and they do their best to see the recommendations of the Collectors are not biassed by such considerations.