HC Deb 27 June 1884 vol 289 c1543

NEW MEMBER SWORN—James Allanson Picton, esquire, for Leicester Borough.

PRIVATE BILLS (by Order) — Third Reading—Lea Bridge, Leyton, and Walthamstow Tramways Extensions *; Uxbridge and Rickmansworth Railway,* and passed.

PUBLIC BILLS—First ReadingSea Fisheries Act (1368) Amendment* [265].

Second Reading—Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ireland) [109], debate adjourned.

Report of Select Committee—Yorkshire Land Registries * [No. 243]; Yorkshire Registries * [No. 244]; Strensall Common* [No. 245].

Standing Committee on Law, &c. — Criminal Lunatics* [256], committed.

CommitteeTramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act (1883) Amendment* [231]— R.P.

Report—Yorkshire Land Registries* [24].

Third ReadingColonial Attorneys Relief Act Amendment* [228], and passed.

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