HC Deb 16 June 1884 vol 289 c421

asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether the rate of promotion in the Indian Services compares very unfavourably with the rate of the British Service, so much so that the rank of Major in the former is often not attained until an age at which officers would be superannuated in the latter; whether he has received any information showing the existence of much dissatisfaction with and discontent at this state of things; and, whether any steps, and, if so, what, are contemplated in order to place the two Services on an equality regarding promotion?


No official communication has reached the India Office regarding any discontent or dissatisfaction at the present rate of promotion in the Indian Staff Corps. The promotion of officers of the Line has recently been very rapid. The rate, it is understood, is abnormal, and is not likely to continue. The subject, however, so far, at any rate, as the qualifying period of promotion of lieutenants is concerned, is receiving consideration. I may add, that whereas in the Line officers who are not selected for promotion at a given age are compulsorily retired, this is not the case in the Indian Army, in which officers enjoy continuous and unbroken service to the rank of full colonel.