HC Deb 17 July 1884 vol 290 cc1385-6

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether Mr. M'Devitt is to be retained as a Sub-Commissioner; whether Mr. Gray and Mr. Crean are to be discontinued; and, will the list of dismissals be published before the Vote for the Land Commission is taken?


The word "dismissal" cannot be properly applied to the case of any of the Sub-Commissioners. Their appointments were temporary, and only as many have been retained as are required to do the remaining work. Mr. M'Devitt is one of the Sub-Commissioners whom it is proposed to continue in office after the end of this month. Mr. Gray and Mr. Crean are not. I have no objection to announce now the names of the gentlemen selected for reappointment. They are—legal, Messrs. Bourke, M'Devitt, Rearden, Hodden, C. Roche, and Doyle; lay, Messrs. Walpole, Weir, Barry Guiry, O'Callaghan, Bomford, Golding, R. Sproule, Mowbray Cunningham, Comyn, and Lynch.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the relations of Mr. Walpole with his own tenants?

[No reply.]