§ MR. HOPWOODasked the Vice President of the Committee of Council, Whether he is aware that the Sanitary Committee of Hackney are proceeding to visit the Elementary Schools, to inspect the children, with a view to vaccination; and, whether the Education Department, or the managers, have any authority by Law, without the consent of the parents, to allow such a proceeding?
§ MR. MUNDELLAOn inquiry at the Local Government Board, Dr. Buchanan had furnished the following statement:—
I have examined, as a Medical Inspector of Her Majesty's Privy Council, tens of thousands of children in public and private elementary schools. My custom was to inform the master or mistress of my object—namely, to get information as to the efficiency of the local vaccination—and to ask if they had any objection to my examining the arms of the children and noting the vaccine scars. I never but once met with any refusal, either in London or the country. Having examined the children's arms (usually to their great amusement), I gave a list of the unvaccinated to the master, and asked him to call the attention of the children's parents to the fact that they were not protected against small-pox.