§ MR. MACFARLANEasked the Lord Advocate, If he has perused the Letter of the Secretary of the Highland Land Law Reform Association, dated the 10th of June, forwarding for his information cases in which notice of eviction had been served upon certain tenants in Skye and in South Uist, as they allege, because they or their relatives had given evidence, or were appointed to give evidence, before the Royal Commission, or because they were members of the above named Association; if his special attention has been called to the cases of Angus M'Clean, John M'Clean, and also to the case of Donald Colquhoun, of Tohrmary, in which the allegation of his landlord, Mr. Allan, that he was in arrears, was disproved by the production of his rent book; and, if he will order an investigation into these cases, and lay the result upon the Table of the House?
THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR)I have read the letter referred to, and made inquiry into the three cases mentioned. I am informed that Angus M'Lean was nearly three years in arrear with his rent. The rent was £6, and the arrears upwards of £17. I have not been able to find that a summons of removing was served upon any person named John M'Lean. I find that Donald Colquhoun was in arrear of his rent, and that during the eight years in which he had been a tenant on Mr. Allan's estate the rent had been paid with great irregularity. I understand that he did not give evidence before the Royal Commission.
§ MR. MACFARLANEinquired who was the authority on whom the Lord Advocate relied in saying the man was in arrear? He further asked whether one of these men had not forwarded his rent-book to the Commissioners, and had satisfied them that he was not in arrear?
THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR)said, that if the hon. Gentleman would inform him of the passage in the Report to which he referred, he would cause further inquiry to be made.
§ MR. MACFARLANEsaid, the reference to this case was to be found on page 440 of the Reports of the Commissioners.
§ MR. JESSE COLLINGSinquired whether the Lord Advocate would, in future, make an independent inquiry in such cases, instead of going to the persons whose conduct was called in question?
THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR)said, he was not aware there had been any impeachment of the conduct of any persons.
DR. CAMERONasked whether the Lord Advocate would make special inquiry whether the arrears alleged to exist in one of the cases were taken over from the preceding tenant under the system denounced by the Royal Commission?
THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. B. BALFOUR)said, he would inquire into the matter, and give information upon a subsequent date.