§ MINUTES—SUPPLY—considered in Committee—ARMY ESTIMATES, Votes 8 to 14.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—First Reading—Prisons (Ireland) (Cost of Conveyance of Prisoners)* [275]; Savings Banks Acts Amendment* [277]; Naval and Greenwich Hospital Pensions* [276].
§ Second Reading — Sea Fisheries Act (1868) Amendment [265]; Cruelty to Animals Acts Amendment (No. 2) [270].
§ Select Committee nominated—Church Patronage* [17]; Church Patronage (No. 2)* [251].
§ Committee—Colonial Prisoners Removal [257]—R.P.; Strensall Common (re-comm.)* [266]—R.P.; County Courts (Ireland) (re-comm.) [258]—R.P.
§ Considered as amended—Re-committed — Committee (on re-comm.) — Report—Considered—Third Reading—Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act (1883) Amendment [231], and passed.
§ Considered as amended—Local Government Provisional Order (Salt Works and Cement)* [216].
§ Third Reading—Revision of Jurors and Voters Lists (Dublin County) [124]; Elections (Hours of Poll) [261], and passed.
§ Withdrawn—Merchant Shipping [1].