HC Deb 07 July 1884 vol 290 cc191-2

asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether he is prepared to say when he will nominate the Members of the proposed Royal Commission on Merchant Shipping and on the Administration of the Marino Department of the Board of Trade; and, whether he will postpone further legislation until the Commission has made its Report?


The proposed Commission on Merchant Shipping and on the Administration of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade is not likely to meet till after the Parliamentary Recess. The nomination is a matter requiring great care and deliberation; and I am unable to say when I shall find it possible to complete my recommendation for submission to Her Majesty. As regards further legislation, I can only say that, the Merchant Shipping Bill having been withdrawn, there is no other proposal affecting the subject before the House; but I cannot anticipate the future course of the Government in reference to this matter.


asked whether the right hon. Gentleman would lay the names on the Table before the end of the Session, so that the House would be able to express an opinion on them? He also wished to know whether the Reference would be of a broad and comprehensive character, so as to include an inquiry into all questions connected with the Mercantile Marine, Seamen, and Merchant Shipping Department of the Board of Trade?


expressed the hope that the right hon. Gentleman would give an assurance that the names of those who were to be placed on the Commission would be laid before Parliament before the Prorogation.


asked if the right hon. Gentleman would take care that the Members of the Commission would be practical men of unbiassed minds, and unconnected in any way with the Board of Trade; and, whether he would take care that the Commission should inquire into the law and practice of marine insurance, the administration of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade, the condition of the seamen, and the number of wrecks and casualties?


said, in regard to the Question of the hon. Member for North Durham (Mr. C. M. Palmer), he had already stated what would be the nature of the Reference to the Commission, and he had nothing further to add. As to the Questions of the other hon. Members, in regard to the position of the Members of the Commission, he had to say he should endeavour to make such appointments to the Commission as would command the confidence of the public for the knowledge and impartiality of its Members. Beyond that it was impossible to give any assurance.


asked what opportunity would be given to those against whom the right hon. Gentleman had made charges of replying to those charges in case the Merchant Shipping Act was withdrawn?


pointed out that the right hon. Gentleman had not answered his Question as to when the Members of the Commission would be appointed?


said, he had already told the hon. Member he could not give him any assurance. As to the Question of the right hon. Baronet opposite, he might say there was a Question of a similar kind standing in the name of the hon. Member for Birkenhead (Mr. MacIver); and probably in answering that Question he should sufficiently reply to the right hon. Baronet.