HC Deb 11 February 1884 vol 284 cc430-1

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, If he will immediately consider, in conjunction with the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the propriety of suspending the cattle trade between England and Ireland for the last week of the present month, in order to secure the thorough cleansing and disinfection of all vessels employed in that trade, and thus prevent the serious risk of continuing the spread of foot and mouth disease by the constant infection of sound animals from Ireland when imported in tainted ships?


Sir, this matter has been under consideration, and it was thought expedient to issue from the Privy Council in Dublin a Circular Letter to all Companies engaged in carrying animals from Ireland. The Companies were asked to adopt extra measures for the prevention of infection through the medium of vessels engaged in cross-Channel traffic; and it was pointed out that it would appea that this could best be done by tempo rarily withdrawing from the service each vessel, and by cleansing and disin- fecting such vessel in a manner described in a Memorandum prepared by Professor Ferguson, and annexed to the Circular.