HC Deb 01 December 1884 vol 294 c345

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with regard to recent disturbances, assaults, and damage to property in the county of Tyrone, Whether the Irish Government will fulfil the pledge given in this House by the late Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant—namely, that cases arising out of Party feelings and Party conflicts in the North of Ireland would be heard, in the first instance, by Courts of Stipendiary Magistrates, and not by the local Justices of the Peace?


The Party cases now pending will be tried before two Resident Magistrates at a Special Petty Sessions Court under the Prevention of Crime Act; and the Government will take care that where such cases arise in future a similar course will be taken where the interests of justice demand it.


asked whether the principle laid down by the right hon. Gentleman would be extended to Clogher and Stewartstown, were cases were also pending?

[No reply.]