HC Deb 11 August 1884 vol 292 c425

asked Mr. Solicitor General for Ireland, Whether he is aware that the Constabulary in Drogheda have recently torn down from the walls a number of posters with the following words on them:—

"Irish National League.

"A Public Meeting will be held at Fields-town Monasterboice on Sunday Aug. 10 to establish a Branch of the Irish National League.

"The Chair will be taken at Three o'clock by the Rev. Henry M'Kee, P.P.

"Some of the Irish Members are expected to attend.

"Men and Women of Louth, attend in your thousands and show by your numbers and earnestness that you are the children of the Men who in' 26 struck the first blow against Landlord Tyranny and Saxon Domination in Ireland.

"God save Ireland."

Whether he is aware that the Constabulary stated that they were acting under orders, and that they stopped the bill poster in his work of posting the bills; whether he will state under whose orders the Constabulary acted, and to what part of the bill was objection taken; and, whether the Constabulary will be permitted to pursue this course?


Sir, I am informed that some of the posters referred to were removed by the Constabulary. The Government, upon hearing of the matter, at once thought this action should be discontinued, and they were not afterwards interfered with. I am not, however, expressing on the part of the Government any approbation of the language of the placards.